Async C Driver: Public Preview
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We are excited to share the release of a new prototype that could reshape how
C developers interact with MongoDB: the amongoc
library. This experimental driver
leverages the power of asynchronous programming to offer an efficient, non-blocking
interface for MongoDB operations. Although still in public preview and not yet ready
for production, your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future direction
of this project.
What is amongoc?
, short for "asynchronous MongoDB C driver," is designed for developers
who need a performant, asynchronous client library for MongoDB. It implements a selected
subset of MongoDB driver APIs to provide a sneak peek into what a C-based asynchronous
client might look like. By evaluating this prototype, developers can help us gather
critical insights that could influence the development of a production-ready solution
in the near future.
Why Go Asynchronous?
The motivation for building amongoc
is rooted in performance optimization and
providing high concurrency. Asynchronous programming decouples the initiation of a
task from its continuation, addressing the inefficiencies of synchronous operations,
particularly I/O, which are inherently slow and can block other processes.
Asynchronous programming allows applications to remain responsive while waiting for
I/O operations to complete, making it ideal for high-performance, network-intensive
use cases. amongoc
will also facilitate the integration of MongoDB into asynchronous
frameworks like Drogon. Notably, it has also been the top requested feature for the
C driver by users.
Getting Started with amongoc
To explore amongoc
, visit the GitHub repository
and access our comprehensive Documentation.
Our resources include:
A step-by-step Quickstart guide to help you set up and initiate your first connection.
Detailed Reference documentation covering the configuration, building, and usage of the library.
Tutorials to walk you through common use cases and showcase the potential of asynchronous operations.
A list of amongoc features
Descriptions of amongoc’s design considerations and amongoc’s asynchrony model
The following example is an application that initializes an asynchronous event loop and attempts to establish a connection to a local MongoDB server using the amongoc
amongoc_box on_connect(amongoc_box userdata, amongoc_status *status, amongoc_box result); int main(void) { amongoc_loop loop; amongoc_status status = amongoc_default_loop_init(&loop); amongoc_if_error(status, msg) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to prepare the event loop: %s\n", msg); return 2; } // Initiate a connection amongoc_emitter em = amongoc_client_new(&loop, "mongodb://localhost:27017"); // Set the continuation em = amongoc_then(em, &on_connect); // Run the program amongoc_detach_start(em); amongoc_default_loop_run(&loop); // Clean up amongoc_default_loop_destroy(&loop); return 0; } amongoc_box on_connect(amongoc_box userdata, amongoc_status *status, amongoc_box result) { // We aren't using the userdata for this example. (void)userdata; // Check for an error amongoc_if_error(*status, msg) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while connecting to server: %s\n", msg); } else { printf("Successfully connected!\n"); amongoc_client *client; amongoc_box_take(client, result); // `client` now stores a valid client. We don't do anything else, so just delete it: amongoc_client_delete(client); } amongoc_box_destroy(result); return amongoc_nil; }
Feedback: Your Voice Matters
This public preview release is focused on gathering user feedback to inform the architectural
decisions for a production-ready version of amongoc
. We invite you to share your thoughts and
suggestions in GitHub discussions
and issues. We are especially
interested in your opinions about the interface, and the build and runtime requirements. Our goal
is to collect as much user input as possible to align with the needs and expectations of our user community. Your feedback is invaluable, and we eagerly look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you'll create with amongoc